Research at the Harvard University studied 20.000 women in 13 years for the effects of red wine on their weight. The results are very impressive! They indicate that those who took two glasses of red wine a day had no issues with obesity, and that red wine boosts fat burning.
The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry printed a research in regards to what grapes do in the body as well as which properties make red wine stimulate weight loss. The study showed that mice were less likely to store liver fat and had lower blood sugar levels when they’re given red wine grape extract. Acids in grapes can slow down the growth of fatty cells.
Red wine as a snack
Try drinking red wine instead of an evening snack. It’s known that a glass of red wine has fewer calories than ice cream, a piece of cake or chips. It has zero bad fats.
A woman called Linda Monk snacked on red wine and lost 6 pounds within three weeks. It helped her to lower sugar cravings, too and also eat less unwholesome snacks before sleeping.
Red wine — Health benefits
Red wine not only aids weight loss but also provides a wide range of benefits, due to its high resveratrol content.
Resveratrol is a strong antioxidant that has shown to prevent cancer. It protects heart health and prevents Alzheimer’s Disease, because of its ability to prevent cell damage.
Resveratrol associated with longer life span and higher athletic performance.
Is there anything to be concerned?
Remember, just because red wine is super healthy and aids in losing weight, that does not mean that you should drink a whole bottle at once. The secret lies in moderation.
You should also make a difference between having red wine instead of a snack and drinking it along with your snack. Combining a glass of wine and a piece of cake only means extra calories and that sure hurts.
Make sure you do not drink wine late at night. It may affect your goodnight’s sleep and cause drowsiness in the morning. However, that applies to individuals only. You know your body, meaning you know what is best for you.
The most important thing is to remember that having a glass of wine once in a while does not affect your body line; on the contrary, it may be the key to an attractive body.